Rapid Transformational Therapy

what is it?

Photo by MK Hamilton on Unsplash

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®️) is a multi-award winning therapy method  combining multiple beneficial modalities of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Neuroscience.

It was created by Marisa Peer, a world-renowned speaker, best-selling author and named Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine and is globally recognized as one of the most effective therapy treatment available.

What so special and effective about RTT®️ is that unlike other therapy tools that take months to even years to bear fruit, it only takes about 2 hours of working with the subconscious mind to create breakthroughs and aha moments that ultimately lead to client’s transformation mentally and physically.

What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

I know that a lot of people out there associate hypnosis with being brain washed or that it is some sort of mysterious state in which you lose control of your mind and behavior. But the truth is that hypnosis is simply a state of intense absorption and concentration. That's it!

Everyone of us has experienced this state at least once in our life. You can do it with your eyes wide open as long as you're engaging in something that absorbs your attention fully to the point you are ignorant of distractions. That's hypnosis!

Fun fact: The father of the term 'hypnosis' (a Greek work for 'sleep') was James Braid - a Scottish ophthalmologist. Ironically, Braid later realized that hypnosis had very little to do with sleep and tried to popularize the term 'monoideism' (meaning a focused attention). However, it was too late since hypnosis had already secured its position in our language.

In hypnotherapy, your attention is focused particularly inside on your feelings and imagination. During a hypnotherapy session, hypnotherapist uses 2 main tools - suggestions and visualizations, to help client re-associates their brain to helpful resources that the client couldn't access before in a certain situation in a waking state. In other words, hypnotherapy is about reorganizing the existing subconscious structures. What this means is that I cannot hypnotize you to become a gifted pianist like Beethoven or Mozart but I can help you express your existing talents fully with suggestions that you can choose to follow or not, and visualizations as a way for your brain and body to rehearse certain feelings and movements so that you can take action more effectively and swiftly when the time comes.

For instance, if you are a good amateur pianist but you are suffering from stage anxiety, hypnotherapy can unravel the underlying belief that led to the anxiety, reframe the belief, expand your ability to get into the zone, to calm your nerves and to strengthen your mentality. A smoker whose brain, after years, has been trained to reach for cigarettes when facing certain triggers like boredom, stress, drinking can be suggested to change their relationship with the cigarettes by understanding the deeper role of the cigarettes in their life and re-associating those triggers with healthier coping mechanisms during hypnotic state.

What is NLP?

Here is the truth about life: we cannot control all the events that happen to us, but we can always control the way we think, feel and respond to those events. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps you recognize the way you perceive events that happened to you and the language you use in different situations, so that you can adjust them in a manner that create the behaviors that bring about the outcomes you want.

In a nutshell, NLP is the study about how to make sense of the information we receive and how to appropriately and effectively interpret events to better communicate and behave. For example, John were neglected and abandoned by his parents since he was a small kid. For as long as he can remember, he believed that he isn't worthy and no one will ever love him. Now, at the age of 35, he is struggling in relationships because whenever someone is being nice to him or shows him appreciation, he becomes doubtful of their motive because why would anyone be nice to him unless they want something from him. People can hear how low of a self-esteem he has from his language. His perception about his worth and about others has been completely twisted due to his past, therefore, whatever he sees is not the correct portrait of the truth.

So many of us, as capable adults, are still living life through the lenses of our younger selves. You might never achieve what you want if you don't consciously update the way you communicate with your mind by changing your perception and your language. NLP provides you the tools to become fluent in the language of your mind. It is essential to get into a deep state of hypnosis first for NLP tools to work successfully since it requires repetition to be effective.

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and NLP are two sides of the same coin. They both provide a framework to help understand a person's way of thinking and feeling in order to discover and move beyond the underlying limiting beliefs that are responsible for their struggles. The main difference is that CBT requires specific details about client's situation and behavior that they want to change, NLP doesn't. NLP takes the client's current perception and language without needing to know how they were formed in the first place, modify them (reframe process) into more realistic and helpful ones and instill them into the client's mind using hypnosis.

Although NLP gives rather quick and effective results to the client's problem, they might not be lasting because the underlying beliefs are not properly addressed. CBT fixes this issue. CBT is a therapeutic technique created to help people comprehend their own programming - how their thought pattern affect how they feel and trigger their behavior. A thought that is repeated over a long period of time becomes a belief so by understanding and changing patterns of thought, you can fundamentally change your feeling and behavior pattern that will eventually lead to the outcome you desire.

There's a saying that: "The conscious mind is the goal-setter, and the unconscious mind is the goal-getter." What you might not be aware of is that a lot of your current thought, emotion, behavior, and language patterns were programmed in your being since childhood and since you have been repeating those patterns (some call these patterns paradigm) for years, they become unconscious, involuntary behaviors to you.

When you don't do the things you want to do, the things you know will bring you closer to your goal, it's not because your unconscious mind is out to get you. Your mind including conscious, subconscious, preconscious and unconscious has one sole purpose which is TO GIVE YOU whatever you want in life. However, if you don’t know how your mind works or how to communicate what you want properly, it will keep repeating what is familiar, what has already been programmed before because familiarity means safety.

You are constantly evolving and so do your goals. What you wanted when you were 6 years old isn't what you desire now as a 30-something-year-old grownup but your thinking, feeling, behaving are still that of a 6 year-old. Your paradigm might have played a crucial role in your sense of safety and happiness back then but if you are struggling, feeling stuck and miserable now as an adult because somehow you can't take the right actions toward your goal, it's a very clear indication that it's time for you to update your mindset. CBT is the perfect modality for this purpose.

Let's sum it up

Why RTT®️ is such a powerful therapeutic method

1 RTT works with the subconscious and unconscious mind where past painful memories, suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs are stored. These patterns of thinking and feeling are what frame your perceptions, expectations and behaviors which then create your reality.

2 CBT helps you identify negative automatic thoughts which often happen outside your conscious awareness and from there, learn how those thoughts affect mood, emotion and behavior so that you can reprogram your patterns of thought in a way that is healthy and meaningful. 

3 NLP helps you understand how your mind makes sense of your sensory inputs by adding meanings to them and how our interpretations of these data shape our perceptions and behaviors. NLP often goes hand in hand with hypnotherapy.

4 Hypnotherapy is a technique that utilizes hypnosis to induce a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. It is often considered an aid to psychotherapy as it allows you to explore thoughts, feelings, and memories you might have hidden from your conscious minds.

5 When coming together to create RTT®️, CBT, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy become a powerful integration that enables you to discover and move through the deepest subconscious/ unconscious limiting beliefs as well as suppressed emotions so that you are no longer be bound and held back by them.  

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