what if you could ignite

unwavering confidence in just 3 weeks?

I get it

 It takes immense strength to navigate through the intricate web of low self-esteem, especially when it starts affecting various aspects of your life, such as career and relationships.

When your self-esteem is wounded, it becomes like a silent barrier, subtly influencing your thoughts, actions, and decisions. It’s as if you’re constantly carrying an invisible weight, one that dampens your spirits and clouds your belief in your own worth.

In your career, I can imagine how challenging it must be to fully embrace your potential and showcase your true talents. The fear of failure or judgment becomes an unwelcome companion, whispering doubts and undermining your confidence. It’s like trying to soar with clipped wings, never allowing yourself the freedom to fully explore and embrace new opportunities.

Isn’t it also incredibly frustrating when you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and the tasks that need to be done, yet when it comes time to take action, motivation seems to evaporate, and various obstacles arise? This pattern of losing motivation, getting easily distracted, or feeling overwhelmed and anxious is a common manifestation of procrastination, which can often be connected to low self-esteem.

And when it comes to relationships, it’s often a struggle to recognize your own value, leading you to settle for less than you deserve or doubting your ability to truly connect with others. The fear of rejection or not being enough can create barriers to forming genuine connections.

The path you’re on, where escapism through eating, drinking, smoking, or using substances becomes a refuge, is a difficult one to navigate. Emotional regulation is an intricate dance, and when self-esteem is fragile, it becomes even more challenging. The emotional rollercoaster you experience may feel overwhelming, as each peak and valley seems to further amplify the negative emotions you battle. 

In those moments, it’s as if guilt and shame take on a life of their own, distorting your perspective and making them appear insurmountable.

This feeling of being stuck in a perpetual cycle of trying and pushing harder, yet still feeling like you have no control, can be excruciatingly overwhelming. In moments like these, it’s understandable to reach a breaking point, where you yearn for something, anything, to change the trajectory of your journey.

The weight of this desperation can lead you to believe that doing more, pushing harder, is the only way forward. It’s as if the intensity of your efforts becomes a reflection of your commitment, and the lack of visible progress amplifies the need to exert even greater force.

You’re left wondering whether you can ever find happiness and fulfillment in life, whether you’re ever good enough to figure a way out of this mess, whether you deserve your goals, your desires. 

I really get it! 

I say all this with tremendous compassion and empathy because I’ve walked a similar path. I’ve faced the demons of self-doubt and felt the weight of low self-esteem. But I also know that there is hope, strength, and transformation waiting for you. You possess the power within you to rewrite the narrative and reclaim your sense of self-worth.

All you need is a gentle nudge to shift your mindset, change your perceptions, and unlock the hidden barriers that reside within the depths of your unconsciousness.

 It’s within these subtle shifts that profound transformations can occur, paving the way for growth and newfound clarity.

Now, let's imagine...

a life free from anxiety, suppressed emotions, self-doubt and unconscious, limiting fears and beliefs

In this wonderful life…

  • Your thoughts are no longer clouded by worry or fear, empowering you to make decisions from a place of inner peace. As anxiety fades away, you radiate confidence and navigate life’s twists and turns with unwavering strength.
  • You break free from the chains that once held you back, embracing a mindset of endless possibilities and self-belief. With newfound conviction, you shatter barriers and pursue your dreams with relentless determination. Your career blossoms as you step into your true potential, reaching heights you once thought were unattainable.
  • You walk tall and proud, exuding a magnetic self-assurance that draws others to your light. With confidence as your ally, you fearlessly chase your ambitions, seizing opportunities that come your way. Your career soars as you tackle challenges head-on, knowing that your abilities are limitless and that success is your birthright.
  • You unapologetically express your true self, embracing your strengths, quirks, and passions without reservation. In your relationships, you attract kindred spirits who appreciate and celebrate your authenticity. Your career flourishes as you bring your unique voice and perspective to the table, leaving an indelible mark on your professional endeavors.
  • You experience a profound connection with your emotions, allowing them to flow freely without suppression or judgment. You develop a deep understanding of yourself, cultivating emotional intelligence that enhances your relationships and enriches your career. Empathy becomes your superpower as you navigate interactions with grace and compassion, forging deep connections that foster collaboration and growth.
  • You recognize that your value lies not in external validation, but in your inherent qualities and contributions. This self-assuredness permeates your career, as you pursue opportunities that align with your values and aspirations. In relationships, you attract partners who value and cherish your unique worth, fostering fulfilling connections built on mutual respect and support.
  • In your relationships, you cultivate deep connections rooted in authenticity and emotional intelligence. You communicate openly and honestly, fostering trust and understanding. Your relationships become a source of joy and support, enriching your life in immeasurable ways. Your authentic vibration enables you to attract the right people into your life and build strong, deep connection with them.
  • You love wholeheartedly and you are loved for exactly who you are

Sounds too good to be true?

RTT®️ can make that life possible

by helping you tackle one at a time!

don't take my word for it

Listen to what Daniel said about working with me

[...] My issue was feeling that lack of confidence, just that procrastination around my work. All of sudden, a couple of days later, the side effects, those unconscious effects kinda just kicked in... I don't know like I feel really really good now. Linh managed to work her magic into this! 

I'm feeling really good. I'm doing my work, contacting clients which was one of the things I didn't feel worthy to do. And it was one of the major things I worked on.

She really helped me move pass these blocks so I would 100% recommend Linh! She is fantastic and such an amazing person to speak to and definitely made me feel safe. I would absolutely recommend what she does 'cause she works magic! 

Daniel Driver (25)

Transformational Coach

What's included

4-week RTT®️ Hypnocoach Package

one time payment of €250

more client's result

here's what Jeff said about working with me

[...] Through hypnosis and the techniques that she used, she helped me to understand the root of the procrastination problem and why I've been a prisoner of it for so long. And then just got me to see that there're other ways.

After the session, I felt so free and empowered. And I've been listening to her recording every day ever since. And I really feel like this procrastination part is no longer a part of me. Like I can move on with my life and get to work. Linh got me to realize that I'm worth it. 

So I would definitely recommend hypnotherapy, I would definitely recommend connecting with Linh and using her services 'cause she's awesome!

Jeff Newman

Change Your Mind Inc. LLC

Got questions?

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions

In a nutshell, RTT®️ is an integrated therapy method that combines together 4 modalities of great efficacy including hypnosis, NLP, CBT, and psychotherapy. Since it's such a sophisticated yet potent method that works with the subconscious mind, it can help client achieve internal transformation and breakthrough moments quite rapidly.

You can learn more about RTT®️ here.

RTT®️ can help tackle subconscious limiting beliefs and fears which lead to a plethora of symptoms that affect your well-being and success such as procrastination, perfectionism, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression and even money issues.

Sometimes, subconscious blocks from unresolved emotional trauma can lead to physical symptoms such as sexual dysfunction and skin conditions.

RTT®️ can help not only relieve these symptoms but also get to the root cause of these issues instead of providing just the band-aid treatment. 

Depend on how long you have been dealing with your issue, how open-minded and receptive you are to the method, it could take 1-3 sessions to get to the root of the issue but one session alone can already produce quite significant result to the client. 

Our journey together begins with a 1-hr Clarity Call in which we go through a series of questions to help me draw a picture of your problem. 

Then we move on to the main RTT®️ session which typically takes 1.5-2 hours. During this session, we dive deep into your problem together and unravel the root cause of it. It's only when you get to the foundation that you are able to breakthrough and achieve lasting transformation.

After the RTT®️ session, I will create a 15-20 minute hypnosis recording for you to listen to for the following 21 days. The recording helps strengthen insights and realizations that you gained from the session, install new, upgraded beliefs in your mindset, and allow your brain to practice scenarios through visualization. 

In the course of 21 days, you will receive my full support through messages and voice notes. I encourage you to share with me any thoughts, emotions, questions during this time as it's never easy going through change. 

Our brain is constantly changing and has an ability to modify and rewire its neural networks to function in some way that differs from how it previously functioned. This ability is called 'neuroplasticity'. 

In other words, RTT®️ encourages neuroplasticity. After years of having the same habit of thought, emotion and behavior, it takes time and effort to build a new one. 21 days is the minimum amount of time to put the new habit into momentum. 

The more consistently you listen to the recording, the stronger your new beliefs and mindset take root in your psyche. 21 days is the required bare minimum to get the ball rolling, once it gets its momentum, it's up to you to maintain its speed by continuing taking aligned actions and constantly reflecting and reevaluating. 

Unfortunately, there is no refund policy.

Similar to any other medical or therapeutic process, there can’t be any definite guarantees. Not even surgeon or doctor can guarantee their work or results and this is no different for hypnotherapy.

Human being is very sophisticated creature. We are alike in many ways but we are also highly individual. The effectiveness of the method can be influenced by both outside factors as well as individual differences, hypnotherapy is reliant on you as much as the techniques used the hypnotherapist.

You’ll need to be 100% committed and motivated and in return I guarantee I’ll do my utmost best to help you.

client's result

what Alanna said about working with me

I can't use the words to express how much you changed my mindset through our session. [...] The amount of energy and love that you put toward your session is just something that is absolutely amazing to witness. [...] I'm so glad that I was able to work with you. Thank you is all I can say...

Alanna Coyles

are you ready to say yes to yourself?

Copyright © 2023 Linh Dang Hypnocoach

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