Hello! I'm Linh

An entrepreneur, RTT® practitioner, and consciousness coach dedicated to helping you heal from wounds of the past so that you can live a soul-aligned life of deep fulfillment.

I'm a born-and-raised Vietnamese with nothing more than an unshakable desire and passion for helping you awaken to higher level of self-awareness, reconnect to your innate wisdom and ultimately activate self-healing that reinforces positive changes for not only yourself, your relationships, but also the community and the world at large.

Chapter one: living on autopilot

Most of my life, I was a people-pleaser. Like other fellow people-pleasers, I was suffering from low self-esteem issues and held back by many fears like fear of rejection, fear of judgement and fear of failure.

Thinking back, I wasn’t outrageously miserable or depressed but I wasn’t happy either, life was just meh. I was living a mediocre life without much self-awareness trying to please everybody except myself.

For over 20 years of my life, I was super reactive to circumstances and my own emotions. I easily got carried away by short-term pleasure from sex, booze, and other types of stimulants. My mood was unstable as I was so easily triggered by people and events that happened around me. My life was just a series of event that I didn’t remember much because I wasn’t present nor conscious. I was just living on autopilot.

linh dang, linhypno, rtt practitioner, hypnotherapist, consciousness coach, that moment podcast, rapid transformational therapy practitioner

Chapter two: love & breakup..

About 7 years ago, I moved to Finland to pursue a relationship with a guy I fell in love with when I was an exchange student in Japan. I still remember when we said goodbye to each other at Osaka international airport, it felt as if a piece of my body was ripped away from me. That was how much I invested emotionally in him. I was convinced he was the one even though we had only been together for like 3 or 4 months. Too much, too early, I know… but to my teenage self’s defense, he was my first romantic love EVER so I was completely infatuated with him.

Little did I know, roughly 3 years later, he broke up with me out of nowhere and just like that my first serious relationship ended. Well, maybe not out of nowhere for him, but for me, the one who had been living in her own delusion, it was a fucking shock. Reflecting back, there were many red flags along the journey but did I notice any of these red flags? Nope, I was blissfully ignorant of all those issues, because I was so wrapped up in my own dream relationship, in which he was the best man I could ever find and I could fix every problem through sheer will power. As long as he still had me, I would gladly change myself for him, no matter how miserable I felt. You can probably tell by now, how little love and value I put on myself then…

Chapter three: depth of despair

On top of the breakup, I was struggling finding suitable job after graduation. I was confronted with the reality that I didn’t really know what I wanted to do professionally, I didn’t know what I was passionate about, and most frustratingly, I didn’t know what was my purpose in life.

For the first time, I was faced with an ugly truth that I didn’t know anything about myself. All of my identities so far have been attached to someone else, I was my parents’ good daughter, I was my teacher’s good student, and I was my boyfriend’s good girlfriend. Taking away those people, I was nothing. Suddenly, my pink sweet world collapsed and was replaced by darkness.

I fell into depression, questioning my own existence and all of my decisions up until that point. What had I been doing? What now? What next? I had no idea.

I was miserable and overwhelmed by all kinds of emotions: anger, shame, guilt, frustration, sadness, just to name a few. My already low self-worth was crushed into oblivion and I was filled with self-hatred.

I thought I was in the depth of despair already but then I went ahead and drank myself into hospital not once but twice. The 1st time for alcohol poisoning and the second time for cutting my knees open when I was drunkenly pissing in a bush behind my workplace and got 8 glorious stiches for that. 

Chapter four: evolve or remain the same

Sitting on the bus home from the hospital at 5am, looking down at my bloody dress and 8 stiches on my knee, I felt utterly lonely and shameful and crappy and sorry for myself. “Wow, how did you get this low in life, Linh?” – I thought painfully to myself.

All I knew at that moment was that, I couldn’t allow myself to sink any further and hurt and neglect myself like this anymore. If I kept treating myself like a tool or a mean to an end, how could I expect anyone else to love, honor, accept and respect me? I had my grieving time and it was time to move on. 

And so, my powerful journey of discovering myself, healing from traumas, reconnecting to my emotional body and facing my fears began. 

linh dang, linhypno, rtt practitioner, hypnotherapist, consciousness coach, that moment podcast, rapid transformational therapy practitioner

Chapter five: self-awareness

Fast forward to the present, after spending tens of thousands of euros on programs, training, and qualifications in trauma healing, shadow work, hypnotherapy as well as thousands of hours reading and researching about psychology, personal and spiritual growth. On my journey, I discovered that self-awareness is the key to fulfillment in life. 

A big part of self-awareness is about tunning into your thoughts and emotions. It’s only when you fully attune to your own thoughts and emotions that you can influence your action in each and every moment, therefore, gain control of your own impact in life. Not to mention, when you are aware of your own internal world in relation to the external world, you gain knowledge about your personal values, boundaries, strengths and weakness which enable you to build deep and healthy connections and relationships with others. 

The dance between you and life should be like surfing. When the wave is good (you feel positive), you ride on it and rip the benefits of it. When the wave is too high (you feel negative), you go under and let the wave pass because most likely you would end up hurting yourself riding that high wave (reacting or taking any action during such negative state). When the ocean is calm without barely any wave, it’s a perfect time to contemplate and make decisions because you can see everything underneath clearly.

Self-awareness has helped me discover so many truths about myself not only the goods like my gifts, my talents, my characteristics, my boundaries but also the bads like limiting beliefs, fears and outdated coping mechanisms. It helps me live life to the fullest because I’m no long afraid of hitting the low emotions but rather learn to appreciate the fluctuation and duality that makes life so damn interestingly beautiful. On top of everything, it allows me to create deep connection and soul-aligned relationships with all the people in my life because I can now express myself truthfully without masking or pleasing or trying to fit in. 

Here I am today, working passionately as an RTT® hypno-coach helping beautiful, heart-driven souls like you transform your life by expanding your understanding and awareness of your internal world, I can proudly say that I’m grateful for my breakup and all the sh*t that I’d been through, as those events are what forced me to take a hard look at my life, and to finally move myself from the passenger seat to be the one who is holding the wheel. 

Let me tell you, being the driver of your own life is not easy. You won’t be able to avoid responsibility and vulnerability that easily anymore. You will still stumble, and get hurt along the way, but it’s still a gazillion times better than taking responsibility, being vulnerable, and getting hurt living someone else’s life.

to be continued ...

Chapter five is no where near the end of my story. I can’t wait to keep on writing and creating new chapters about new challenges, failures, and successes that are waiting for me to conquer ahead. And I want to invite you all to start writing your own life story, not as a side character but as a beautiful, loving, intelligent, capable, and absolutely powerful protagonist that you are. I’m so excited for our journey together!

Copyright © 2023 Linh Dang Hypnocoach

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